Dental HygieneIf you’re like most of us, you have probably been told that you should be brushing your teeth twice and flossing once daily. These are the basics of a great oral health routine, but to really keep your teeth healthy, you might want to try these tips to make your professional cleaning last longer between visits!

Use an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are more effective than standard toothbrushes when used correctly. Instead of using the motion of your arm and hand to brush your teeth, an electric toothbrush uses very rapid vibrations to clean your teeth for you. Electric toothbrushes are also more effective in removing plaque and calcium buildup, and some models include a timer to make sure you brush for the correct length of time.

If your hygienist has mentioned that you brush too hard, try using a WaterPik. The WaterPik uses a stream of water to clean your teeth and gumline without the need for an abrasive brush. The WaterPik is also a great way for reluctant flossers to clean at the gumline because a stream of water acts much like floss and reaches hidden areas between teeth very effectively.

Become a master flosser. Flossing every day is perhaps the most essential component of a good dental health routine. While toothbrushes only reach approximately 60% of the surfaces of your teeth, flossing removes plaque and debris from the remaining 40%. Correct flossing technique is very important to achieve the best result. Use a C-shape when you floss and be sure to slide the floss under your gums. Be careful not to floss too aggressively or you may cause damage to your gums. Feel free to ask your dental hygienist to teach you the best way to floss.

Rinse after flossing. Flossing every day is one way to keep your mouth healthy, but make sure you maximize the benefits of flossing by rinsing thoroughly afterward. Even if you floss after a meal without brushing, be sure to rinse your mouth to remove any debris or bacteria you may have loosened. Rinsing with a fluoride rinse multiplies the benefits of flossing and help to protect and repair your teeth.

Keep a toothbrush nearby. It happens to us all – you go out for a delicious lunch and return to work with spinach in your teeth and a case of garlic breath. Not only could your breath scare off that particular client, but it can also contribute to damage to your teeth and gums. Keep a toothbrush and floss in your office desk or in your purse to remove particles of food in an emergency.

Take care of your tongue. Your tongue can be home to millions of bacteria that cause bad breath and increase plaque buildup. Brush your tongue very gently once a day to remove bacteria. Mouthwash is also a great way to prevent bacterial growth in the mouth and keep your breath fresh. Use a mouthwash with fluoride to strengthen your teeth and make your whole mouth healthier.

Add these habits to your daily dental hygiene routine for a healthier mouth and prevent dental problems so that your visits to our office are easier and more enjoyable. If you have any questions about what type of products to use or how to use them, call us or ask your hygienist and we’ll be happy to help!

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